
Illustration Friday: Explore

....Entering the forest of the fear
My artwork from "In search of light" . I thought that this illustration was perfect for the topic of this week. The main characters are exploring the forest of the fear...


Tomorrow is another day

I made a resolution, I said " on Saturday of this week I will decorate the Christmas tree!"...why I am feeling soo tired today? Well....tomorrow is another day.


Wild Animals pop-up book

 Here is the cover of a book I finished illustrating just a few months ago, published by Kingfisher. I don't know why but the cover that is on amazon is not the original cover and the artwork featured is not mine! I think that a provisonal cover has been used for promoting the book but my name shouldn't be there or at least they should update the image. Finally searching on the web -as I don't have a copy yet- I have found the book with its original cover.


Illustration Friday: Suspense

ESCAPING FROM PRISON..............illustration from a children's book I worked on a couple of years ago, just thought that was perfect for the suspense topic of this week!


New art on etsy!

Come al solito il tempo vola quando mi butto sul lavoro e dopo la pausa natalizia i progetti su cui stavo lavorando sono rimasti un po' indietro. Anche il mio negozio su Etsy è stato trascurato così oggi ho finalmente aggiunto due miei nuovi disegni.